Episode 65: Be True To Yourself with Margo Lovett



Welcome to the Push Or Pivot podcast, a podcast that inspires you to trust yourself and the crossroads of life. I'm your host, Thea Charles. As a life coach. I know that when you put fear aside and trust yourself, you'll know when to push through adversity, and when to stop, reassess, and pivot. I believe magic happens whenever a push or pivot story is shared. And that magic is exactly what you'll find here.


After 26 years of employment, Margo Lovett decided it was time to reinvent herself and pivot. She moved to the west coast and became the creator and host of her business, her voice her conversation podcast. Welcome Margot to the pusher pivot. I am so excited to talk with you this morning. How have you been?


Thank you for having me. I've been good in spite of everything that's going on. 2020. I have been good. So thank you for letting me come today.


Yes. Well, that's great to hear. And I've been learning a bit about you. And it's been just I've just been looking forward to today. So before I started gushing and going on and on, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?


Oh, my goodness, I live in Southern California. But I've worked out here 32 years, I came out to Southern California to take a job with a major corporation. I'm from the Midwest. I uprooted myself, my family and God opened up the door for me to get this job at a corporation and work there for 26 years. But at year 26 I quit the word brain mind health shot. It was time for me to walk but had been podcasting. It was a hobby. My sister and I had gone to Hollywood and we learned how to podcast and you know, it just be it was something that I did was wonderful hobby. So I took a year off to regroup. I knew that it was time for me to think about where I was going, what happened to me why it happened to me and move on from there instead of staying in pity party, which was not productive at all. So a year came and went and I went and I remembered I love podcasting. Girl you ain't rock the mic. You haven't been behind a mic for a year, year and a half what you do and now it was time for you to get behind the mic. And I went out and I hired the best coach that I could hire because I lost my voice. I lost my confidence. I did who's gonna want to listen to you now? What are you going to say you used to do music? You don't even have communication with any of those folks anymore? yada, yada. You know, all that chatter? Yep. You reinvented yourself. You left corporate, you got that employee mindset, how what are you going to do? What's your next all of that? Honey, I reinvented myself got this coach, the best strategist I could hire, I reinvented to become a best selling Amazon author, a podcaster speaker. And now I'm teaching people how to podcast how to set their podcast up so that if they go to a network, whatever they want to do, it's not gonna fail them. So that's my goal event. I love all things podcasting. I grew up I feel myself just getting giddy as awesome. How did you I guess,


you know, you said that you were you're tired of work. And that was it. 26 you knew you're done. But how did you go from that to? I want to make podcasting my job like was there a moment,


there was a moment after because I podcasting had been a hobby, it kept my sanity while I was in corporate. And it was just something that I love communication and working with artists and that type of thing. And I did a business plan because my thought process was okay, I'm gonna work this job two more years, two more years. And I did a business plan just to, you know, get a feel for that type of thing, because I've never done one before. But like I say something happened in corporate and I didn't want to quit, but I had to quit for my health sake. So I took that year off. And I always remember, you got that business plan and that purple binder over there on the bookshelf. Hey, what are you got? And every time I go by, I look at it. You know, remember? That's that business plan? So does it have I started asking myself, does it have to remain a hobby? Look at what's going on the podcast world. I think with some guidance, you can turn that into a business. So you know that's a part of the reinvention process, just giving myself permission to say, I'm gonna at least try, you know,


yeah, right. I really like how, like, clearly you listened to yourself. Like knowing that, you know, it was time to leave, leave that job knowing trusting yourself that it was time to leave the Midwest and go to the west coast. Like, that's such a big difference. Well,


I can't take all credit for it, I tell you what, that leave in the West Coast, that was God's divine order for me. And when it was time to leave corporate, I was seeking the help of a therapist, and a therapist really helped me make that make that decision. They said, Yeah, you should have been gone two months ago. And I can laugh about it. Now, I really can't. But in my book, I opened up with the chalkboard. And I've all along my life, I've always had an advocate. And when I was a kid, my sister was my advocate. And the therapist was my advocate when I was going through that very rough patch, and corporate. And little did I know, podcasting was going to be the advocate, as I've made that reinvented move. So there's always something to challenge you and help you get focused and help you be true to yourself. And of course, I'm Christian. And of course, God is always there. So that's my story.


I love it. I love it. I love it. So what would you tell someone that's like, thinking of starting something new?


Well, you know what, take a look at the news headlines. Just today in LinkedIn, I read an article that stated, okay, the pink slips went out to the hourly people. Now the pink slips are going out to other people, those other people, as managers, upper management, are getting the furloughs and the really severely cut hours. So look around at what's happened in 2020. And you have to decide, maybe I'm still working, but it's time for me to get that gig going, what's been churning in my spirit, what I can just do naturally, what I love to do, it's time to really hire somebody to help you home that into a business. Because you just don't know what's going to happen. And it used to be okay, I can take it, I can leave it these days, you need to get a head start on what's going on in history, a head start and what's going on, on the television on the internet that your neighbor down the street is experiencing for all you know, you could be the next person, get a head start on that get started. And if you decide that you decide how deep you want to go into it, but it's always better to be started. While there's some sense of calm, then when it's at flood stage, and you can't think straight. And money is all that you can think about. And nobody knows you. Nobody has could know, like trust, you don't have any of those things in place. But you're in a frenzy, because I know this stuff. And I got to make money, I got a mortgage, I got a car, all that stuff. And this is real. Oh my god, it's just real. So get started. Now, I would go into the year writing my book, starting my business started podcast, because you need to make sure that people know who you are, and why you're doing what you do. And that's my that's my word on that. Oh my god. I see it all around me feel. And it's really sad. You want to help people going to advertise on your show. They think that that's the panacea. That's the golden bullet. Well, it gets you before people before eyes and ears. But you that has to be a consistent movement on your part. It's only part of the building process. You know, I'm saying


Have you been inspired by the story shared on the pusher pivot, but feeling a little stuck to get unstuck? Well, I've made one just for you. six steps to help you recognize what is keeping you stuck and push you out of your rut. You can access it for free on my website. Fira nell.com, slash rut. That's th e a r e n e l.com slash ru T. Yeah, I do hear you. I hear you the being consistent. Coming up with that plan ahead of time, like how you had that purple book, waiting, you know, um, and the other thing that you mentioned is to find the thing that comes easy to you. And I think that I mean, I know for me, in my own journey, that was something that was kind of like my big idea. Opening moment was that work doesn't necessarily have to be hard. The thing that you're good at may just come to you naturally. That's why it's your gift,


right? It may be baking cookies. You know, I don't make a good sugar cookie, but I show love eating them. And I don't mind paying for good sugar cookie, you know, butter cookie. Oh my god, you got me at first smell. So you're right, it does. You don't have to compare yourself and your skill set and your passion point. You don't have to compare yourself to anybody. If that's what you have, if that's your gifting, own it and turn it into a business and let the world know. This is what you do. You know? Yeah. Yeah.


That is powerful. This is great advice. This is really great. What was the book that


you wrote? Oh, her business, her voice her reinvention how it was? How in one year and this is true story how in one year, I went from GameShow hopping to international podcast host into a speaker and beginning budding entrepreneur. You know, in one year, it came from a mindset. And like I say, brother Bedford, I know people that know me get tired of me talking about brother Bedford, but you have to give homage. homage is someone who will work with you organically, and make sure they see you so that you see you, and you hear you so that once that work of building out your podcast, or your business is finished, then you're on solid ground, that you're not mimicking somebody else. Once that advocate is gone, then you're Who am I? What am I doing? You're looking like a deer in the headlight. Again, I didn't have that. That's not what I give people. And I think that that's, that is a gift. When so many people don't have that that man appeared from nowhere for me. And he vetted me, he wanted to make sure he could work with me, he knew a little bit about my story, he wanted to make sure my head was where I could keep moving, not just get started, but keep moving. And what was supposed to be six months turned into a year and a half of working one on one. But he never made me feel stupid. He never made me feel slow. He never made me feel like I couldn't do this. I never accomplished it. And the proof of the pudding proof of concept came after I went to a major Podcast Network. And we were able to build out over a million downloads. That was proof of concept that he showed you how to build this out, you did it. It's a firm foundation, you can build stretch out on it, and you can build up on it. And I will ever sing his praises gave me my voice gave me my courage. You know, everybody wants to say Google is my friend or man, you go over on YouTube on any given day 24 seven, find out anything you want. But most of us do. And tell me if I'm wrong. Most of us need that one on one, I need to make sure that somebody hears me, they see me. And I'm not just off in a bushel basket with a bunch of other people. Because I'm a human being. And I've never done this before. I need somebody to see what I'm doing and make sure that this is going to show up. Right, you know.


So that's a power of code. Yeah,


we do that though. We really you have to invest? Or I'm getting on a soapbox, but it's one that I know I'm sure of it.


I 100% agree with you. There's something different about when you work with someone instead of like going out into the woods and looking and trying to find your way something about having someone who can acknowledge us see you and give you encouragement is huge.


Yeah, it's be even larger than group coaching. And group coaching is okay, I'm in a group coaching mastermind now. Excuse me, and that's serving what I want to learn now but starting out building a foundation. It's one on one or nothing. Really and truly, you're so right.


I totally agree. I agree. And I see that even in my own practice. It's there's a difference when you're working with someone one on one versus the group. The group is really great for synchronicity and realizing you're not alone. But the one on one is where you really hone in. Oh, yeah,


you have to be ready for that. And it is it's scary. It's big, but it is the best investment you'll ever make in this lifetime. Really and truly.


This has been so lovely. I could listen to you. If you could give a piece of advice, what would it be?


Be true to yourself and I don't even have to really think about it. The we I mean I'm looking at all of the podcasts all the time. offers that everybody and their brothers making these days. And all that I can say is, as we said, before we even start hit record, take time to slow down and listen to yourself. I've never really been a big journaler. I read, but I've never really journaled. But if that's what it takes, listen to yourself, because I don't know, this pandemic has hit the globe for a reason. And we were so much better. We were so much calmer. We were so much we were committed and connected when we were in our homes. And when we were out of the offices, and when we were off that dreaded 405. And when we could just sit and think I know that we were so much better, do not let the advancement of this year the fatigue of this year, drive you into the way you were in January 2020. There are still things for you to glean and things for you to do, and truth about yourself to discover. So that 2021 can be absolutely fabulous, and stronger than you ever imagined. And that's on any level. That's what that's exactly where I'm at. At on affiliate in my spirit, affiliate muscle, that's where I'm at. Yeah, yeah,


I feel like this is true 2020 vision, because there's so much time to be quiet


and lose so much of that extra noise that was out there. And, and I think it was Maya Angelou that said, like, when you know better you can do better. Like it just helps you to be able to see and know what's really important for you and what you want to take with you. We you know, we spend a lot of time at the end of the year, about November, December, this huge vision board parties and all this stuff. But I think that this year in particular, you really need to do that and take time and get off to yourself. I even bought some acrylic paints, because I'm going to and I'm not an artist My sister was, but I am going to put all of my favorite colors together, the colors that really brought me joy and warmth and understanding this year, because I'm redoing my bathroom. So I'm going to put those pieces of art up and take them into the new year. Because there's so much symbolism this year. So maybe you don't need to be a part of that huge. We brought our wine we brought our chips and and we brought our scissors and our magazines, maybe that needs to be something that you do one on one so that you can be true to yourself. Just a thought. That's beautiful.


That's really beautiful. And what a great idea. Yeah. Oh, this has been so lovely. what some of your podcasts and tell us how people can learn more about you. I'm


glad you asked. It is her business, her voice, her conversation. When I came out of corporate, I wanted to reinvent myself, but I couldn't find anything that covered my how to where do I how do I do this? How do I reinvent to become a podcaster an entrepreneur, a an author, how do I do that? I have everything under one umbrella so that I'm not piecemeal in here and piecemealing there. So we bring in the experts that give how to instruction information and inspiration on how to reinvent and become a podcaster and entrepreneur and author. So if that's it's at Marco lavette.com kept it real easy. Everything's housed up under one. One thing www Marco. Ma RG o l. o v as in Victor att.com. And everything's Beautiful.


Beautiful, and we will definitely have that in the show notes and people can find you. Margo, did you have an offer that you wanted to share as well? I'm


so glad that yes, indeed. I am. Thank you, Theo for this opportunity again. I study, eat, breathe and think podcasting all day and all night. I wake up they get about this stuff if I don't have a song on my brain. And so I see podcasting just blowing up and so many of us are have been furloughed, we've quit job, or we're boomers. I am a boomer and we seriously need to think about our next and the podcasts industry is just blowing up. And if you don't want to enter it as a podcaster. I put together a PDF to podcast or not to podcast and the podcast industry. If you do if you're a writer, we need content writers we need photographers that can give us good High Definition pictures and that is mandatory. We need people who can do graphics Our oh my god that there's so many needs. And I tell people all you need a four, maybe five, consistent podcasters, you got a job, you know, and you can make a really good living, just surfacing those podcasters. So what I'm telling people is, can see a n, go ahead and text that 242828 and you'll get an instant download. And, you know, it's, yeah, it's c a n, text that 2428 to eight. And that will give you access to podcasts or not to podcast, and the podcast industry. So


awesome. So beautiful. Margo, thank you so much for being on today. Really enjoyed our conversation.


I thank you. I thank you, Amelia, thank you show such as yourself, are just worth listening to. They really are they empower people, you're, you know, you offer the missing piece that so many people are looking for oftentimes, it's not a great big thing. It's just that one missing piece. And once they hear it, they see it that Oh yeah, I can go on the fields in the blank. So thank you for your work. You are a treasure, my dear.


It was so fun talking with Margo. After our conversation, I thought about how we are always evolving. How past experiences can help us with future goals. Marco told me that age is a valuable tool when factored into reinventing yourself. And I think she's right. If you could reinvent yourself, who would you be? Thank you for listening to the push or pivot podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, hit the subscribe button. And please leave us a review. To learn more about the show and to access the show notes. Visit our website, push or pivot.com I'd also love to hear from you. Share your thoughts and takeaways with me on Instagram at pusher pivot. Thank you for listening, and join me next time on the push or pivot podcast.


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