Episode 17: Made For More


In this episode, we spoke with Kasey Cooper. She told us about her pivotal moment in 2017.

Kasey Cooper is a wife, mother, life coach, writer, and mentor. After overcoming her own issues with anger, anxiety, and depression she decided to dedicate her life to helping other women do the same through her Women Dream Builders program. Kasey believes that goal achievement in all areas of your life is 90% mental and 10% action. She combines biblical truths with practical steps to help her clients say yes to the next level in their lives while pushing past negative emotions. Kasey is helping women to build their "dream life" one goal at a time. You can find her online at https://www.healingisinyou.com/ or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/coachkaseymarie/



Episode 18: Unravel All the Layers


Ep. 16: Start Today