Episode 38: Transformation Journey


After a career that scaled the heights of corporate success as a CEO of global companies, Angell Deer decided to completely change his life and made a life-changing commitment to helping others in their search for peace, harmony, and happiness.

During the last 10 years and his transformative journeys across Asia & South America, Angell had rare opportunities to study and meditate with master healers and teachers of all faiths. He is trained in Shamanism, Plant Medicine, Shamanic Reiki, Medical Reiki, Sufi Healing, Sound Healing, Shamanic Breathwork, Meditation, and Norse Shamanism. In 2015, Angell opened The Sanctuary Shamanic Healing Center (now a branch of Oklevueha Native American Church) on his property in the Catskills where he does in-depth work with his clients, hosts workshops, run retreats in the USA and Peru, and cultivates the land for organic vegetable farming, plant medicine, and honey bees.



Episode 39: Follow Your Heart


Episode 37: Stay Connected to Your Purpose